Vinyl Cutter

Instructions for Vinyl Cutter in SC 102.

To Start Vinyl Cutter.

To Load vinyl:

  1. Remove the knife, and make sure that about 1 mm of knife is protruding from the knife holder. Replace.
  2. Depress the loading lever on the back left of the cutter to raise the rolling wheels.
  3. Load the vinyl from the back. If it is a roll, place it on the rotating tray in the back of machine.
  4. Set the rolling wheels to desired location. Both wheels must be under white tape. Raise the loading lever up to lock material in place.
  5. Press "menu" on the keypad twice. Press enter to set up material. Select sheet or roll and press "enter again"
  6. Move cutting head with the arrows located on the keypad. Send it to desired location. Hold down the origin key about one second to set 0,0.

To print from a bitmap image:

  1. Create a png bitmap file, either black&white or grayscale.
  2. To start the printserver, double-click the shortcut "start mods server" on the desktop. A command window will appear, with the text “listening for connection from client address on server port 1234”.
  3. Open the webpage, currently an icon on the desktop named "cut%20png.html
  4. Select png file.
  5. Adjust scale (by changing pixel density), force, speed and other parameters.
  6. Calculate
  7. Send to file to printer.

Things to do on the vinyl cutter: